Wednesday, September 3, 2008

black & white ATCs

I love vintage photos and there's often a story behind it. I make these atcs using photoshops for my personal collection . Well you can find more vintage photos at look for vintage black and white photographs. Some of the photos were truly amazing and it just took your breath away. My late mom kept lots of Hong Kong's actress vintage photos & magazines (late 60s). Her idol back then was Chan Poh Chee or Connie Chan. I don't know who she is but she sure is pretty. Well when I have the time I would love to do more vintage B & W on P-Ramlee, Saloma or perhaps Zaiton and Connie Chan. Their features are just so exotic.


these atcs are great kak nana! do u print them?

Unknown said...

Belum try lagie hehehe. Thanks Manggis.